Who pays for your human rights?

Everyone needs shelter, food and to pay their costs of bills. But are these a human right? But surely that doesn't mean they are free as they aren't free to provide

YAML Вопрос

Some advocates of human rights believe everyone deserves shelter, food and the capability to pay bills.

I find this kind of negative as it ignores the cost of providing these things. Invariably they are the same people who want to tax more and want you to assign YOUR money to these needs.

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Люди могут согласиться с основными человеческими потребностями, но то, что гарантирует их удовлетворение, — это творческие социальные процессы. Вы можете сказать, что есть право на объединение в соответствии со статьей 11, но пока не будут разработаны информационные технологии, позволяющие людям собираться вместе, за это нельзя будет «заплатить». Эти «социальные творческие процессы» постепенно и постепенно обеспечивают возможности, необходимые для «оплаты» прав человека.

People may agree to basic human needs, but what ensures that they are met, are the creative social processes. You may say that there's a right to association, as per article 11, but unless information technologies are developed that enable people to get together, it cannot be "paid for". Those "social creative processes" gradually and incrementally ensure the capabilities that are needed to "pay for" human rights.