Проблемы: Stress Reduced.

System of wristbands to monitor employee stress, and provide rest



Wear specialised devices that measure stress

People at workplaces should wear a wristband that monitors their heart rate and other factors. This could measure how tired people are, and warn them to finish work at critical times. This wristband can function in conjunction with a workplace environment which allows people to produce as much work as they can manage, rather than as much work as deadline or project dictates.


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Переименован в «Систему браслетов для мониторинга стресса сотрудников и обеспечения отдыха». Названия целей могут быть глаголами, но идеи должны быть существительными, как если бы они были названиями изобретений.

(Первоначально было сказано: «Разрешить людям выполнять столько работы, сколько они могут справиться, но не столько, сколько требует проект»)

Renamed this into a "System of wristbands to monitor employee stress, and provides rest". Goals titles are okay to be verbs, but ideas have to be nouns, as if they are invention names.

(originally, was: "Allow people to produce as much work as they can manage, but not as much as the project requires")