Rewarding and tracking good

Why is the only unit of measurement money? Why are we not measuring love or good done?

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Our world tracks money as a measurement. But doesn't track good or love directly.

I am looking for ideas on how to track and account for this

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Хорошая проблема и вопрос. Я бы сказал, потому что человечество, похоже, ценит универсальность (ликвидность как форму свободы обмена чего угодно на что угодно) больше, чем любовь... или, по крайней мере, универсальность обмена оказалась более прагматически полезной, чем любовь как таковая.

Тем не менее, я также искал единицу, объясняющую любовь, и нашел ["хорошо проведенное время"](

Good problem and a question. I'd say, because humanity seem to value universality (liquidity, as a form of freedom to exchange anything to anything) more than love... or at least, universality of exchange has proven to more pragmatically usefully than love per se.

That said, I was also searching for a unit that accounts for love, and what I found is "time-well-spent" as currency, that anyone can mine through doing it (by spending time well, and registering that via some information system made to mine such "hours-well-spent as currency")... At least that's what I thought could be a rational basis for Infinity economy.