The Predicament of Having Nothing or society is terrible

To survive, you need money, to get money you need to provide services to others or provide value, to provide value you need money, to get a job you need to provide value, nobody pays you before you work a month, for things to be easier for you, someone else needs to do work on your behalf, every man carries his own burden, nobody is willing to extend a debt to someone else unless they're rewarded for it, Life is difficult if you have nothing.

YAML Вопрос

How can we resolve this impossible state of affairs?

How do we derisk DOING things?

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Илон Маск: «Люди лучше, чем вы думаете, давайте людям больше доверия». Определение «доверия» математически эквивалентно определению «ожидаемой ценности» — т. е. мы даем кредит (в виде денег) как доверие, когда мы ожидаем, что то, что с ним сделают другие, будет соответствовать нашим ожиданиям (ожидаемое values)... Чтобы больше людей осознали, что это так, необходимы более эффективные системы обмена информацией... поговорка «великие умы думают одинаково»… Возможно, просветление умов людей поможет.

Elon Musk: "People are nicer than you think, give people more credit". Definition of "trust" is mathematically equivalent to definition of "expected value" -- i.e., we give credit (as money) as trust, when we expect that what others will do with it, will be in line with our expectations (expected values)... To make more people realize that it would be the case, more efficient information exchange systems are needed... There's a saying "great minds think alike"... Perhaps brightening people's minds would help.