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Syntropy and Living Systems

How might we design living systems that increase syntropy rather than participate in building more efficient entropy machines to exterminate and replace life on Earth?


Without realizing it, humanity has been working on a global project of accelerating the process of entropy, which is reversing billions of years of physical, chemical, and biological evolution that has resulted in the process of life, a phenomenon of negative entropy.

“It seems fitting that some of the most important insights in exploring these hidden principles of nature have come from scientists who had the courage to cross over from one specialty to another. One of these was Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger, who won a Nobel Prize for his work on quantum theory, then ventured into the fundamentals of biology, publishing a seminal book in 1944 entitled What Is Life? Schrödinger's groundbreaking answer to this age-old question began with the second law of thermodynamics, which states that the universe is undergoing an irreversible process of entropy: an inexorable decline from order to disorder. This law predicts that heat will always flow to cooler regions and explains why, once you've beaten an egg, you can never get the yolk back. However, Schrödinger observed that while the universe as a whole undergoes entropy, life somehow manages to reverse this process. Living organisms, he noted, survive through sucking order out of the entropy around them and organizing it in a way beneficial to them. They do this through the process known in biology as metabolism. Schrödinger called this process negative entropy (or negentropy) and saw it as the defining characteristic of life.”

Lent, Jeremy. The Patterning Instinct (p. 366). Prometheus. Kindle Edition.

Дочерние категории: Metaphysical Gravity.


How might we actively participate in the emergent phenomenon of the process of syntropy and life that we are engaging in, to reverse the entropic industrialized, mechanized, digitized, artificially intelligent engine of global neo-liberal colonization and capitalism?

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У меня похожие мысли о природе интеллекта. Мы делаем утверждения, чтобы разобраться в хаосе. Например, две стопки одинаковых сущностей. Один мы называем обедом, другой - ужином. Каждое утверждение - это слово, квантующее реальность, частица. Затем мы составляем утверждения в предложения, создавая процессы и понятие времени. Итак, утверждения - это частицы и так далее, и у нас в голове есть модель qm. Имо, такова природа QM, наша потребность давать имена вещам, чтобы квантовать хаос. Итак, qm - это проекция реальности на наш череп.

I have similar thoughts about nature of intellegence. We make assertions, to make sense of chaos. Eg, two piles of identical beens. One we call dinner, another supper. Each assertion is a word, quantizing the reality, a particle. Then we compose assertions into sentences, creating processes and notion of time. So, assertions are particles and on and on, and we have a qm model in our head. Imo, thats the nature of qm, our need to name things, to quantize the chaos. So, qm is a projection of reality on our skull.

    :  -- 
    : Inyuki
    :  -- 


Какое странное восприятие было у Эрвина. Если я наблюдаю за природой, кажется, что жизнь заключается в создании большего количества жизни, всегда расширяющейся, и даже отходы повторно используются для получения энергии, которая затем снова питает жизнь.

И я бы сказал, что из Хаоса он самоорганизуется в Порядок, новых существ, новую жизнь ...

What a weird perception Erwin had. If I observe nature, life seems to be about creating more life, always expanding, and even waste is reused for energy which then fuels life again.

And I'd say from the Chaos it self-organises into Order, new creatures, new life...

    :  -- 
    : Inyuki
    :  -- 
