Родительские категории: Технология.

Achieving Interstellar Flight

YAML Вопрос

($100M Funding) While we had explored all the planets of the Solar System, the distance to the closest Alpha Centauri star system is 4.37 light years, or 7000 times larger than the distance from the Sun to Pluto.

Feel free to write ideas how to reach those other star systems.

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Интересно, могли ли бы некоторые из этих проектов, такие как Breakthrough Starshot, иметь публичную бухгалтерскую книгу на Homebase, где портфельные компании, занимающиеся производством компонентов, поделились бы здесь своими бизнес-книгами в качестве проектов, чтобы привлечь публику и детей? На самом деле я [предполагал] (https://youtu.be/zV9nfz2BA6M?list=PLAi7AvIZW2qf5Xduhm3IM1dfRrG5VVkDP

So, I wonder, could make some of those projects, like Breakthrough Starshot, have public ledger on Homebase, where the portfolio companies, that make components, would share their business ledgers here as projects, to involve public and kids? In fact, I envisioned importing or just connecting their banking and task management accounts for public to engage in their P&L.