Negative Cardinality


A mathematical set property of having less than 0 elements (Just like antimatter in Physics.)


The invention of negative numbers proved to be useful in mathematics. Set operations, however, do not have the idea of having less than 0 elements. We reach the empty set {}, and then stop, but why should we? Imagine a property: subtracting an element that is not in a set creates a potentiality to annihilate such element. Such potentiality could be marked as elements with an apostrophe. I.e., {1,2',2} = {1}.

This idea was inspired by "World’s Most Exclusive Club," when thinking about the super-exclusiveness.

Credits: Inyuki of HalfBakery.


(не уведомлять) (Необязательно) Пожалуйста, войдите.

Отрицательная мощность - это дефицит чего-то, задача, которую еще предстоит сделать. Значит, это связано с последовательностью и временем. Очень интересно

Negative cardinality is deficit of something, a task yet to be done. It has to do with sequence, then, and time. Really interesting

    :  -- 
    : Inyuki
    :  -- 


Да, возможно, это могло бы упростить бухгалтерский учет, или, может быть, это могло бы даже помочь сделать преследование цели более воображаемым, поскольку все, что формализовано как набор наборов ... наборов, может внезапно иметь этот [воображаемый компонент] (https: / /

Yeah, perhaps it could simplify accounting, or maybe, it could even help make goal-pursuit more imaginary, as everything that's formalized as a set of sets of ... of sets, could suddenly have that imaginary component ("goals are just imaginary assets").