Dolphin Chatroom Libraries


Create a low bandwidth distant communications channel for groups of dolphins with exchanged member, and crack dolphin language much faster!


Chat portals and libraries for dolphins.

People had been trying to crack dolphin language for quite a while now, without a major breakthrough. So, if we knew how they learn a foreign language from dolphins speaking their other foreign language, -- would that dataset elucidate it for us, how we could, too? The hypothesis that this idea relies on is the assumption that it would.

So, here's the rationale: non-technical people had been preoccupied with telephony and IRC chats in the early Internet, telling their minds and love stories over the low-bandwidth connection.

So, imagine a story:

Part 1 -- A crafted connection.

A couple of scientists studying dolphins in the wild, set up something akin to a floating "Dolphin Libraries" -- buoyant terminals with ultrasound telephony, routed via satellite Internet like the StarLink, that transmits produced ultrasound in real time from one end to another. They had set up the non-directional speakers so as to encourage more abstract communication rather than sound-pointing, so as to help them figure out how would dolphins use such channel to communicate their most abstract and information-packed thoughts.

Then, they used an airplane to relocate a one member (an adolescent fast-learner) dolphin from each of the groups to the other group (they had bioethical concerns, but -- with necessary preparations to make sure the trips are voluntary -- decided it was worth it), -- to have them just like exchange students, -- this was to guarantee, that they can have peers that can teach the concepts of another tribe by pointing to example objects associated with the utterances from their other language.

Under such circumstances, sparked by curiosity and the longing of their fellow dolphin that was transported to another geography, the dolphins began chatting with another pod during their free time from fishing. They quickly explained each other the concept of "human," and told the stories about the trip to their family members, who cared about their safety. Then, they started exploring the situation, by learning each other's language -- since having large vocabulary, they already had concepts for temperature, salinity, waves, and a plethora of names for species of fish and objects, the names of which the groups taught each other with the help of their transported ambassadors.

Eventually, they began exchanging about the living conditions in respective places (like students do), -- complaining what's good and bad in those places, and eventually strategizing how to communicate it to people, that they would like to get back to their respective families, or get together in one place. Scientists thought that some strategies may manifest by their separation from the new group, heading alone in a straight line for a longer period of time, but they did not anticipate of some very creative ways that the group came up with to communicate ideas visually. By that time, the scientists already had a huge dataset of communication logs, giving high hopes for figuring out how to ask them about it directly.

Part 2 -- Expanding vocabulary, and utility.

The scientists, continued building their vocabulary by introducing a variety of objects, and observing, what words do the dolphin groups use to describe and identify those objects, expanding the vocabulary. Since the words created by the dolphins themselves were in their most convenient pitches of modulations, scientists discovered, that the dolphins were actually able to amass much larger vocabulary than anticipated, on a par with humans. They had hypothesized that this may be because of the diversity of fish and objects in the seas.

Sparked with curiosity, the scientists are finally were at the edge of breakthrough of being able to converse with a dolphin like with a human, and express complex thoughts. So, the scientists, being interested in the seas, came up with something that they could do together: the first idea was finding locations of new species of sea creatures that are not yet discovered by humans. To do that, they developed the vocabulary of fish by examples of all kind of sea creatures known to both humans and dolphins, and eventually asking for finding new species that are not in our vocabulary yet. They decied to pay for this to dolphins in their favorite fish captured by fishermen, in exchange for the information, and trying to think what else would be interesting -- maybe shipwrecks, or something else entirely.

Part 3 -- Culture of stories.

Time passed, and as the experiment continued, dolphins were found to have no problem using the built-in rewind and replay commands on the terminals, to record their stories to these terminals. They asked humans to develop ways to make more complex manipulations, such as to enable marking up and reviewing segments of the conversations. The dolphins started writing stories into "virtual books," and a new culture was born. Generations of new dolphins had to come to the terminals to listen what their predecessors had spoken. They started those terminals to record incidents of luck and misfortune. Those terminals worked like living memory of new civilization, and elementary schools. The dolphins asked for more of these terminals.

The network, being a really inexpensive movable technology had expanded, and moved where dolphins had moved, which became driven by the research interests and fish. People had learned a great deal about the sea ecosystem from the stories of dolphins that had witnessed human caused disasters, as humans got the first person impressions and insights about the other intelligent cetaceans like orcas, that dolphins spoke of from their experiences.

Part 4 -- Computing and driving.

What came next was unthinkable. Due to elaborate voice capabilities, the dolphins had learned enough of commands to operate Linux terminal. What dolphins lacked in their limbs, they had exceeded with their ability to modulate sound and its direction. In collaboration with humans, they had got robots designed, that could be controlled by the sound commands to manipulate the direction of the robot as if with a joystick that listens directionality of sound, and grab and manipulate objects with underwater submarine "drones". After introducing an underwater rover, they had actually asked if they could get a car made so that they could drive out of the water and drive over our terrain environment.

Part 5 -- Inseparable friend.

Fascinated by cities on the terrain, and ever-present internet connection, dolphins had become an inseparable companion of humanity, providing new perspective and sharing views. Ultimately, they were lifted up to visit space stations, and shared that with their expanding communities in the seas and above ground. What would have been millions of years of evolution, had happened in a glimpse of an eye -- with the help of humans, in relatively short span of time, giving them a glimpse of what it would be to develop a common language with extraterrestrials -- as they are: oceans are a kind of "extra-terra."


And, that all started with just a simple experiment of connection. While not all steps may actually happen as described in the story above, even the first ones would bring much value.

If that sounds like fun adventure, -- what about the ethics, and whom should we share this with to get something like this going?


(не уведомлять) (Необязательно) Пожалуйста, войдите.

Что, если дельфины видят изображения, основанные на звуках?

Итак, если люди хотят выучить язык дельфинов, им нужно превратить звуки дельфинов в изображения (с помощью кимаскопа), собрать множество изображений, а затем определить значение этих изображений и, наконец, синтезировать его в англо-дельфинском словаре.

(Ссылки добавлены в ссылки)

What if dolphins see images based on sounds?

So, if humans want to learn the language of dolphins, humans need to turn dolphins sounds into images (with cymascope), collect lots of images and then identify meaning in those images, and finally synthesise it into an English-Dolphins dictionary.

(References added to Links)

// Что, если дельфины видят изображения на основе звуков?

Хороший аргумент, но ограничение, которое я описал в идее, было несколько преднамеренным - точно так же, как люди не могли передавать полный спектр своих выражений через чат-терминал, но были настолько зациклены, что делились своими средствами к существованию в наполненном смыслом абстрактный язык - сделают ли дельфины то же самое? До появления Zoom и Hangouts у нас было текстовое общение в чате, которое творило чудеса при сборе учебных наборов для таких вещей, как услуги перевода. :)

// What if dolphins see images based on sounds?

Good point, but the restriction I've described in the idea was a bit intentional -- just like people couldn't transmit full range of their expressions via chat terminal, but were hooked so much that they shared their livelihoods in a sense-packed abstract language -- would dolphins do the same? Before we had Zoom and Hangouts, we had text chat-based communications, that worked miracles for collecting a training sets for things like translation services. :)

// Видео о киматике и пример о том, как дельфины видят звуки

очень интересно. Если у дельфинов есть общество, то это подводное общество может быть не похоже на человеческое, они могут естественно общаться с помощью голограмм!

Если дельфины развивают технологическую цивилизацию, она должна сильно отличаться от технологий, разработанных людьми, живущими в атмосфере.

//Video on Cymatics and example on Dolphins Seeing Sounds



В этой связи, среди интересных возможностей, о которых я только что подумал, есть то, что дельфины знакомятся с человеческой концепцией выращивания не своих детенышей, а выращивания других рыб и растений для еды ... (земледелие и разведение)

Along these lines, among interesting possibilities I just thought of, is dolphins getting to know the human concept of cultivating not their babies, but cultivating other fish and plants for food... (farming and husbandry)

// Видео о киматике и пример о том, как дельфины видят звуки

Это видео заставило меня задуматься: говорят ли они в быстрой последовательности того, что я бы назвал голографическим иероглифом, модулированным промежуточными синтаксическими сигналами.

<u> Примечание по выбору дизайна портала: </u> возможно, эти порталы могут иметь не только общедоступный канал, но и кабины прямого доступа (например, разветвляющиеся, если капсула круговая) для частного общения 1-1, что позволит каждому дельфину плыть к определенному порталу (порталы могут быть пронумерованы световыми знаками, например, человеческой буквой с цифрой), и таким образом выбрать взаимодействие с другим конкретным дельфином на другом конце.

//Video on Cymatics and example on Dolphins Seeing Sounds

That video made me wonder: are they speaking in rapid successions of what I would call hologlyphics (holographic hieroglyphics), modulated by intermediate syntactic signals.

A note on portal design choice: perhaps these portals could have not only public channel, but directional (e.g., fanning out if pod is circular) access booths for private 1-1 communication, that would allow each dolphin to swim to a specific portal (the portals could be numbered with light-based signs, e.g., a human letter with a digit), and that way choose to interact with another specific dolphin at the other end.

Обновление: после общения с несколькими исследователями до сих пор возникла определенная озабоченность по поводу деталей того, как может происходить так называемый «обмен», потому что осуществление этого обмена может при некоторых обстоятельствах приравниваться к «похищению», а это определенно не что мы хотим.

Итак, пока "как именно?" - что это за приготовления - часть «обмена» все еще остается под вопросом, я думаю, одним из наиболее естественных и разумных способов было бы, если бы эксперимент происходил как естественное продолжение того, чтобы позволить дельфинам играть с нашими инструментами, такими как лодки у которых будет один коммуникационный портал с остальной частью капсулы - лодка, которую можно использовать для развлечения и которая будет продолжать движение вперед, пока они не решат остановиться со специальным знаком, означающим «вернуться», как коллективное решение дельфинов собственное желание и голоса членов группы. Позже, заменив «лодку» на самолет, с возможностью прерывания всегда оставались на усмотрение дельфинов.

Update: after contacting with a few researchers so far, there is a definite concern about the details of how the so-called "exchange" could happen, because doing this exchange may equate to "kidnapping" in some circumstances, and that is definitely not what we want.

So, while the "how exactly?" -- what are these preparations -- part of the "exchange" is still a question, I guess, among the most natural and sound ways would be, if the experiment happened as a natural extension of letting dolphins play with our tools, like boats that would have one communication portal with the rest of the pod, -- the boat that could be used for fun and would continue driving forward, until they decide to stop with a special sign meaning "come back" as a collective decision of the dolphin's own desire and the voices from the pod members. Later, replacing the "boat" with an airplane, with the abort option always left up to the dolphins.